Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Grass Is Always Greener...

One of the hardest parts of infertility is being in the "wrong" life phase. All of your friends are in the parenting life phase; you are left behind.

I was reminded today that this feeling is not unique to infertility. Many people in other life phases long to be in a different one:
  • Kids long to be grown up.
  • Single people long to be married.
  • Parents long to be past the  (teething, Terrible Two's, teenager, etc.)  phase.
  • Empty nesters long for their kids to be young again.
The old adage seems true: "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." For those of us in the midst of infertility, having a baby will not end our longing. This side of eternity, we will always have something else to long for. 

This morning, I came across 1 Corinthians 7. Paul was writing about marriage and singleness, saying that both are good. In verse 7, he says, "But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another." Our current life phase, no matter how difficult, is a gift from God. Paul goes on to say, "Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him" (1 Cor. 7:17a).

We do not get to pick a life phase and stay there. Life is fluid, changing continually. Let's live fully now in our current phase. Today, I long to have children, but don't. Instead, I get unlimited time with my husband and best friend, just the two of us. There was a time in which that's all I wanted (ahem, when he was in law school). After children arrive, we might miss our time alone together. So, as we take steps toward that next phase, let's soak up today!
1 Corinthians 7:7b


  1. This is such a beautiful way of looking at life away from the "grass is always greener" mindset! This truly does speak to all of us, where ever we're at in life. Thanks for linking up with the Faith and Fellowship blog hop!

    1. Thanks, Susannah. I was happy to come across the Faith and Fellowship blog hop.

  2. it is all about embracing the season you are in and not looking back with the wishes you would have enjoyed it more. Praying for is hard and makes my heart heavy when I hear infertility...the thing people sooooo want is a baby...not a pair of shoes or something.

    love your faith~ nice to find your blog through the link up.~

    1. Thanks for the prayers and for stopping by, Christina!

  3. Just found you on LFCA. I have a similar outlook. Looking forward to following you. Here is my blog: and FB:

    1. Thanks for visiting, Mimi. I hope your treatments are successful!

  4. This is so true! We are never fully satisfied with where we are in this life. Not really. I love the phrase "Our current life phase, no matter how difficult, is a gift from God." It is. God gave us life. Every good gift comes from Him and we shouldn't take these things for granted! Thanks for the reminder and thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for co-hosting the link-up.

  5. this was so, so good!! thank you for sharing!! when looking at the green grass on "the other side" it's easy to let discontentment strike. that's something i'm working on now.... focusing on where i'm at in life & not expecting to be at the same place as others... because God has me where i am for a purpose & if i am longing for "the other side" i will miss all of the opportunities here!

    thanks for sharing!!! :)

    1. Exactly! We can get so focused on where we want to be that we forget to enjoy where we are. Thanks for stopping by.
