Sunday, March 16, 2014

HSG: To Be Tomorrow or To Be Delayed?

The temperature nearly hit 70 yesterday. A few minutes ago, snow started falling and is expected to stack up to five inches. We live in an area where everything shuts down at the first sign of snow. My HSG is scheduled for tomorrow at 11.

A few weeks ago, we enjoyed several days of very warm weather before my lab appointment, only to wake up on that day to a snow storm and closed clinic. The HSG was supposed to happen even a few weeks before that, but was delayed due to the clinic and hospital schedules. So, we've officially made zero progress in our "aggressive plan."

I'm hopeful that the HSG will happen tomorrow. Obviously, the hospital can't close. We are determined to go unless they call and cancel. Ideally, we won't have to risk our lives on treacherous roads, but we are planning to try. 

Prayers are appreciated. I will try to post updates along the way. 

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