Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Florida, Here I Come!

We closed on our house this morning (Woohoo!), and now I am off to Florida for TGCW'14 (The Gospel Coalition Women's Conference). As a result, posting may be a little sporadic here for the next several days. My only gadget will be a smartphone, and I'm not sure it will be good for blogging. Plus, I am hoping to soak up quality time with my sister while gleaning wisdom from the speakers.

I expect the whole conference to be great and hope to share a few tidbits here on the blog. The session I am most excited about is with Noël and Talitha Piper. They will be talking about adoption from both the adoptive mom and adoptive daughter perspective.

If you want to follow my trip, please make sure you are following me on Instagram and Twitter. My phone is much better at social media than blogging.

Have a great week and weekend!